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Recent Findings on the importance of Exercise.

The Physical Activity Guideline Advisory Committee submitted its most recent report in February 2018 of this year. This report summarizes scientific and recent evidence on physical health and activity. It is lengthy and very detailed; AND worth the time it takes to read.

I’d like to share some of their recent finding with simple language just to tantalize you into looking into this yourself.

Major findings include: But NOT limited to 1. Reduced symptoms of clinical depression 2. Improves quality of sleep. 3. Improves brain function – your ability to process and organize daily tasks. 4. Reduces anxiety 5 Improves physical function – especially important for the elderly. increased energy, less falls, more mobility and flexibility.

There benefits of exercise are immediate. Your blood pressure, heart health and insulin improve. The long-term benefits are too numerous to list. But include Reduction of chronic disease and weight maintenance. The statistics are staggering. You could potentially live much longer ( and better) by just moving your body. – How Cool Is That!! You can read the report yourself here Or follow on my website at for further summarizations of the report.

On a personal note: Happy December!! A time for celebrating life with friends and family. Please partake in food and drink free of guilt. This is very doable when you plan and are presently making choices. Personal training and FST clients, please take note: If you haven’t had your Bday session – please call or text me. I set up google calendar for next year to help remind me of your special day. However, I could probably still us a friendly reminder. Also, I will be on Holiday 12/24 (evening of) through 1/01. You’ll notice the calendar will be blocked.

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