Health and Wellness

Stress and panic will harm our bodies and the economy. Our immune systems are an important aspect of fighting infection and disease. and combating stress. We need to keep our immunities high during stressfull times and through the flu/cough and cold/sinus season. Especially in Minnesota Winters when we're indoors most of the time.
With this COVID-19 virus going around, it is especially important to keep our immunities high. That means checking your Vitamin D, eating your fruits and verggies, getting 8 hours of sleep, and exercise.
We also need to wash our hands, sneeze into our shoulders, and keep our hands off our faces...and others :) Good hygiene rules still pply. I do understand with all these precautions in place, you may still want to self quarantine. We should have freedom of choice.
For those of you who choose to stay home, I will offer health and wellness sessions over the phone in lui of your personal training sessions. It's important now and always to keep your physical routine as consistant as possible. Accountability and follow- through still apply
. Call or email if this appeals to you.
For now, I choose to run my business as usual. However, I will be extra diligent in wiping toys- especially before they're handed to you. My FST office will be cleaned before and after each client, with a fresh pillow case and traction towel.
Stay healthy and happy
Sherry Johnson
NBC-HWC Level 2 Fascial stretch Therapist ACE personal trainer